Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Our Last Few Days In Reykjavik: 


After getting off the Viking Cruise we spent a few days in Reykjavik. Here we revisited many old haunts and purchasing gifts and we did get a Hot Dog or two and had a couple swims. 

We love the city pools and have gotten in on a couple water aerobics classes. We replenished our bus passes and licorice stores. 

On Tuesday we to take a Glacier Lagoon Tour. It was a very long worthwhile day, so here goes. 

It was an early start as we were asked to be at the bus stop at 0730. Well the driver was a bit late due to traffic. No worries, and soon we were driving along the scenic South Coast. Here we passed lava fields, waterfalls, pastures and mountains.

This was a small group tour of 15 people, all were good about being on time at stops. We traveled in a Mercedes extended van, rather comfortable as it would accommodate 20 passengers.

Our Guide was named Gummi for short for a very long Icelandic name.

The restroom breaks were perfectly timed.  Snacks were available to purchase at these stops.

Our first official stop was overlooking the town of Vik where we could see the Sea Stacks. Legend has it that the stacks are trolls turned into stone while playing in the sea. Here you also see the Black Sand Beach. To be very honest, all the beaches in Iceland are black Sand. 

Continuing on our next stop was at Fjadrargljufur canyon. Here the fast moving glacier water has cut this rather scenic canyon and the walk to the view points was well worth the view. 

My real desire on this trip was the Jokulsarlon Area. Here we find Diamond Beach and the Glacier Lagoon. 

First was Diamond Beach. Here the beach is adorned with pieces of the glacier which had been washed out to sea and brought back to the beach by tidal action. The pieces that return are often pieces which have been polished and are crystal clear. The skies were overcast and a clear sunny day would make them even more amazing. 

Then we visited the Glacier Lagoon and took a ride on a DUCK amongst the icebergs which had calved off the glacier. There were a good number of harbor seals swimming about looking for fish arriving in the inbound tide. 

I must let you know this is a very very very very long drive from Reykjavik. I knew it would be a long day from the start, and it sure was. 

Time to start the trek back to Reykjavik with a few stops yet to make. 

We made a stop in Hof to see one of the last remaining turf churches. I thought it was very kewl as well as the graveyards next to the church. The graves appear small by todays standards and can make one think of Hobbits. Simply the early settlers of this are were small of stature, but long on grit to endure. The lifestyle was good to many as several were centenarians.

It was getting rather duskish  as we continued on. Our guide and driver needed a mandatory 45 min break and fuel. We made this stop in Vik at a travel center with several restaurants, convenience store, and the obligatory ICE WARE shop :) 

Back on the road with one more stop to go. The waterfalls at Seljalandfoss. I was surprised the falls were illuminated and it was fun to make photos after dark. 

Now back on the bus and headed to Reykjavik. We finally arrived at our hotel at 0015 hrs, ready to crash and get some sleep.

This tour was definitely worth it. Gummi gave a great narratives which helped pass the drive time. A wealth of information was provided. I was glad I did not have to drive. 

So, here we are at the airport ready to head home, get The Boys, prepare for AIBF etc etc. We will be back here in May of 2025 before we sail to Svalbard. That said we are thinking about an August 2026 return for the eclipse. 

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