Friday, August 9, 2024


 Friday August 9, 2024 More Reykjavik and a performance at the Harpa tonight. 


Up early as we slowly adjust to this time zone and very long days. Breakfast of coffee and skyr was had in our room as we prepared for the day. 

Soon out the door heading towards the bus stop. We did stop at Braud & CO. for a ham and cheese croissant. The the #14 bus to the pool. 

We are very much enjoying the very early pool hours as it is very quite and serine.


 After pool time we walked to the Reykjavik Botanical Gardens. 

We like many things about the botanical gardens yet for me the diversity and the uniqueness of the flowers is beautiful. So many are different that what I have seen in the states. 


We arrived back at the hot dog stand for our regular order. The owner said “you look familiar  and I know you have been here several times”. We laughed and joked and he has granted us “regular local status”.  

We caught the bus and decided to get off early and walk along the sea front. We walked to SOLFAR, took some pictures ( this is where we get our campers name). 


There was no lacking for tourists taking photos. As several tour busses made the stop. 

From SOLFAR, we continued to the Harpa and had a chat with a cabbie about arranging a hotel pickup to transport us to the port tomorrow morning. The cabs here are metered and should be about 5000ISK. 

Walking back and checking at the 101  Bistro for breakfast tomorrow. They open at 0800.




We had yet been over to visit the elf stone, so off we went. Then we walked to City Hall to view the big relief map so as to check on the ports we will be visiting during our cruise. 

Then we walked along the Reykjavik City Pond, locally known as Tjörnin, see the birds before meandering back to the hotel. There is small church we have walked by several times but never found it open. Today,  it was open and it is beautiful inside and out. The name of this church is Dómkirkjan, and is Evangelical Lutheran.  

We used the time at the hotel to get the blog caught up and start packing for the transfer to the ship.

We met up with friends at the Drunk Rabbit and had a bit of food at the 101 Bistro. The fish there was excellent. 

Then it was off to the Harpa to see How to become Icelandic in 60 Minutes .

Now to the show- Brilliant, Excellent, Informative, Hilarious, and not to be missed. For me, I think parts of the show were more funny as we have experienced Iceland and it’s people over the years. There were those “yes, so true, ahh ha” moments.


I very much appreciated his condensing the Icelandic Sagas (History of Iceland) down to 60 seconds. Brilliant, and I have spent months reading them wishing I had a time line and name flow chart.

Back to our room where we finished up packing as tomorrow we will have breakfast, the flea market and head to the ship.

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