Thursday, August 8, 2024


 To Reykjavik and Day 1:  7-8 AUG 2024


 On this trip we flew Iceland Air from Denver to Keflavik. An advantage of this was price and it is a non-stop. A disadvantage is we do not have any status on Iceland Air. Even with that it was a good flight and we had booked early enough to get good seats with plenty of leg room. 

We arrived on time and  made our way through passport control and picked up our luggage. There are changes in progress to the Passport Control Hall. It looks like they will be switching to an automated entry system. Also there are new WC’s in the baggage claim area with lots of capacity.


I should add as one exits baggage claim to ones right you find a Bæjarins Beztu Hotdog Stand. You bet I had one.



We use the Fly Bus service to get from the airport to Reykjavik. It works for us even though one must change to a different bus at the BSI (central bus terminal). We got dropped off a City Hall and had a couple block walk to our hotel, 

On this trip we are staying at the City Center Hotel. We like it. Our normal lodging is the  Center Hotel Plaza. We did get an upgrade to a room with a balcony that looks out over the park by the parliament building. 

We dropped our bags and headed out to take the bus to our favorite pool Laugardalslaug. As it was close to lunch, time we had a hot dog before swimming.  

We learned the pool is no longer free to people over 65. They do offer an annual pass only available to Icelandic Citizens.  I am actually surprised this had not happened sooner. Anyway, we enjoy a darn  nice soak and steam in the several pools available. 

As the City Center Hotel does not have a breakfast service, we took the bus to the Bonus Store and got some skyr (yogurt) for our breakfasts. But ice cream before Bonus.




We  then walked back to the hotel and checked into our room.


                                                                Room View

 Soon we were settled in and off to the Drunk Rabbit, our local pub. Last time we were there, they had hot dogs and Guinness stew available. We had the stew and it was rather good. 

I met some very nice folks from Toronto and we had a very nice conversation about travel. 
A friend had arranged a Geocaching meet up event. Lynn had retired to our room to further unpack and prepare for the coming days. I spent some time at the event and then called it a night after I did some laundry.

I woke up and took a peek outside and I saw the Green Lady Dance. I took a quick pic through the balcony glass and started to get Lynn up and they was gone.  Later this week the forecast is for a KP of 6 which is HIGH. 

Back to bed for a bit then up again and I did an early morning walk about, just me and the Herring gulls on the streets of Reykjavik. I hit an ATM for some cash to pay for the new ink I will get later today at Reykjavik Ink. I have been very happy with their work and they are a cash only shop.

Back to the room for some coffee and skyr (Icelandic yogurt). 

Off to the pool, today we learned one can buy a 20 visit pass which can be shared by a couple of people. So of course we bought one. 

We had a nice swim, soak, and steam. As we were leaving, a water aerobics class started so we joined in. That was fun. 

Then a hotdog was had before we caught the bus back for a tattoo appointment. 


I had “Þetta Reddast!” Placed on my forearm in rune characters. “Þetta Reddast!” Is a saying here in Iceland, basically meaning “it's all going to work out in the end”. Or don't worry, it's going to be okay! 

This evening we returned to the Rainbow Street and enjoyed local meat soup (lamb) “Kjötsúpa” and fish and chips at Reykjavik. 

Being near the Hallgrímskirkja (the big church sitting above Reykjavik) we wandered up the street. 


To our joy and surprise we heard the organ being played. This is rare as it was a Thursday evening as there are very rarely performances mid week. 

We sat and enjoy the music from the organ as it accompanied a clarinet. I learned the artists are in Iceland playing the Saturday summer recitals. The organist was Tuuli Rähni, and Salvador Rähni played clarinet. They are summer guest performers from Estonia.  

Back to the Hotel and off to the Rabbit for a night cap and fun conversation and meeting folks from around the world.

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