Thursday, June 20, 2024

Merrily Merrily Merrily On Our Way

There'll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Tomorrow, just you wait and see

Oh, are we on our way to Dover
Or going merrily over

Well we hope so. This next journey will find us crossing the pond to London, then by rail to Dover. We have a couple nights in Dover before we board the Hurtigruten MS Maud. 

 We have sailed with Hurtigruten on the MS Maud when we searched for the Northern Lights a couple years back. We were amazingly impressed with Hurtigruten and sailed again with them From Bergen to Oslo. 

We like Hurtigruten for many reasons. One is the ships are small with about 500 passengers. Two is the enrichment programs offered with great speakers who love sharing their knowledge. The food is most excellent and locally sourced. The crews we have encountered are simply great. They do a more than excellent job.

This will be our third sailing with Hurtigruten and we have another booked for next summer. 



 This Journey takes us from Dover to Edinburgh, a city I look forward to returning to. Then we sail North to the Orkney Islands and further North into the Shetland Islands. Much history to be discovered and the birding should be good. 

Next is the Faroe Islands and the port of Tórshavn. Here we might get a glimpse of the Faroese starling with its beige-tipped wings. 

Sailing further North, we have a day at sea as we make our way to the land of Fire and Ice. Yes, Iceland, with a stop at the penultimate island on this isle-hopping expedition cruise is Heimaey, off the south coast of Iceland. It's the only inhabited island in the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago, except for a whole lot of puffins.


We then end our voyage in Reykjavik. Here we will have a couple days to revisit the city. I hear they have good hot dogs and swimming pools. :)

 I have an appointment for some new ink. 

Will see if the current eruption is still active when we get there. 

So kids, make sure you seats are in the upright position and your tray table stowed, with your seat-belt firmly fastened.   

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