Saturday, June 29, 2024


 6/28/2024 - A DAY AT SEA ON THE MS MAUD: 


I was up early to catch the sunrise. Currently our sea conditions are very calm and not a cloud in the sky. Putting the kettle on in the room for coffee to start the day.

One very nice feature onboard MS Maud is the bathrooms have heated floors. This not only feels very nice in the morning but also aids in the drying of ones laundry.

We  went to the Explorers Bar for more coffee and a pastry. These rations gave us enough energy to make it to real breakfast at Aune.  Here is a nice buffet of breakfast offerings. I started with porridge, followed by hash browns, a tomato and beans on toast. Lynn had a breakfast egg muffin and some fruit. 

Back to the room to gather our excursion life jackets for the zodiac briefing. This was mandatory and the procedure was well presented. 

We are starting to roll a bit more but nothing bad yet. 

Our stateroom host checked in on us to make sure we were settled in and comfy. One thing I very much like about Hurtigruten is you can opt to not have your room cleaned every day. In doing so, a donation is made to their environmental fund for each day one opts out. 

Now the fun begins as we will go a wildlife view session and an art project to decorate our water bottles.


Not really expecting much to be observed critter wise as we are a good bit off shore. The water bottle decoration will be fun, well I will make it that way. 

Each person on Hurtigruten receives a metal water bottle to use and keep. There are several stations about the ship where they can be filled. This is their way of reducing waste. We now have several of these and other such bottles from our trips. Stand By for film at 11 of our finished works of art. 



WIND is from the WNW at 40 knots, Temp is 14.6 C, our course is 322’ at 10.6 Knots, Sea depth is 30.6 m, Sea Temp 0C, location is 53.46’9 N and 0 .38’26 E. 

We got a bit crafty and decorated our water bottles as a craft thingie. We got to paint them with acrylic paint. We both did a rune and I did my interpretation of SOLFAR.

Lynn did some laps on Deck 6 and I had coffee in the Explorers lounge. We had a very nice chat with the future cruise representative . 

Then it was time for the Captains reception. The Senior Staff was introduced along with the Expedition Team. The depth and experience of this team is amazing. 


We then had a fantastic dinner in Aune. Back to the room for more laundry while awaiting the briefing for tomorrows day in Edinburgh. 

From our briefing we learned tomorrows weather could be quite nice. We will be doing a walking tour of the Royal Mile and will start at 0930. So we will have plenty of time in the morning to get ready. 

Edinburgh has so many bits of history and culture. From authors such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and JK Rowling. Scientist and inventors like Alexander G. Bell. Explorers  one would presume, such as Livingston, Greyfriers Bobby and Dolly the Sheep. 

Then we had a short talk about superstition of sailors. One new one to me was about breaking your eggshells into little bits. If you did not a witch may use the unbroken shell as a boat and come aboard your ship. This would not be a good thing. 

When we got back to the room the bow cam was showing the makings of a good sunset. Off I went to record the last moments of the day. 

Off to bed in hopes of a new day of learning and adventure.



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