Saturday, June 29, 2024

Edinburgh a Day of Castles, Pipes, Wool

 6/29 Edinburgh:
Edinburgh a Day of Castles, Pipes, Wool 


Again I was up way way Too Too early. But it was worth it for the sunrise. From the Stern of the ship gannets were observed greeting us as we sailed in the Port of Leith. 

We first went to Deck 9 for early coffee and pastry. (Yes this will become a pattern of behavior) We learned breakfast was being served early so who are we to turn down an early breakfast. 

After breakfast we got ourselves ready to visit Edinburgh the capital of Scotland. There are just over 500,000 residents the same number as in the State of Wyoming. 

We were loaded onto busses and taken to the Edinburgh Castle. This is where our walking tour started.

Edinburgh Castle.


 Edinburgh Castle is a historic fortress built high up on a hill and dominates the city's skyline. Then there is the Royal Mile (actually a pinch over a mile) which leads to Holyroodhouse. 

Edinburgh is well known for its literary history, think Robert Burns and many more, like J K Rowling.

There is Arthur’s Seat, one of the ancient volcanic hills in the area. 

Edinburgh is also well known for its Whisky Heritage. The Scotch Whisky Experience is very educational and well worth ones time. 

There is the architecture of Edinburgh,  dominating the old city is medieval architecture, whilst the new city is Georgian and neo-classical.

Edinburgh is also known for its festivals. There is the Fringe Festival highlighting performance arts. I also know of a book festival held in the fall.

Being rather familiar with the old city area, we soon separated from the group walking tour to wander about on our own and visit places we have been to previously. 

As we walked along the Royal Mile, we stopped in a few tourist shops for fun. 


 One place we enjoyed on our previous visit is OINK. Here a roast pork sandwich is available. The pork is picked from a roasted whole hog. Then there are several toppings available. I chose haggis and applesauce, Lynn chose BBQ and a sage and onion, for our sandwiches. There are three OINK locations in Edinburgh and they are easy to find by looking for the pink storefront and the roast whole hog in the shop’s window. 


Soon it was time to get near our bus pick up point. We found the Castle Arms pub across the way and dropped in for a drink as we waited on the bus. 

We took the bus back to our ship at the Port of Leith.


 It is at this port where the Royal Yacht Britannia is docked and it is also worth a visit. 

Back on the ship we grabbed a small bowl of venison stew for lunch. 


Next was a lecture by the Expedition Team Historian Niek. The topic was The History of Knitting and it was an excellent presentation. It encouraged us to look at how wonderful wool is for clothing, and how knitting is so good for the mind and helping people stay connected to their roots. 


After the lecture it was time to sail away. What was fascinating to me the Port of Leith is entered through a lock. It was interesting too how the locks operated.

Another great dinner, a great soup, very good pork and a pudding for desert. 

In between the main course we had an announcement that puffins were being observed. Went and grabbed my big camera and went out to get some images. I am happy with a few of the images I got.

Next was a briefing on Fair Isle where we will be tomorrow if the weather allows. Should be lots of birds and maybe an Orca sighting. 

Later there was a talk on Birds and their names. 

The day is done and there are no prospect for a photogenic sun set. 

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