Sunday, June 30, 2024

Fair Isle in the Shetlands PUFFINS!!!!

 6/30 Fair Isle in the Shetlands

Fair Isle Puffins; 

Finally last night the body said you need sleep and sleep we did. This worked out well because we knew our Zodiac time was 1030. So a leisurely breakfast was had as we shared a table with a couple from Australia.

The weather is overcast and there is a bit of rain and a mist which comes in and out. 

After breakfast we prepared for the days outing. Then we loaded into a zodiac and made our way to shore. 



The ornithologist on board directed us to the puffin burrow nesting area. This hike took us up and over a hill to where the puffins were.



They were readly available for photos, but they were buggers to photo in flight. After a couple of hours of taking photos we made our way slowly back to the landing area. 



Puffins are the penguins of the North. In that no matter how many photos one takes, the second another appears you catch yourself clicking away. 

Interesting tidbits about Fair Isle is there are only 46 residents and probably more sheep and plenty more species of birds. We did see guillemot, kittiwakes, skuas and more. Yet the puffins stole the day. Many of these photos will be posted to my website ASAP.  But not that ASAP :)    

Back on this ship we had a great lunch and tonight will be a photo lecture. 

Now to edit photos. 

We attended a very nice photo presentation. I always enjoy these as there is always something to learn or be reminded about. 


Chatted with one of the onboard scientists and will be keep an eye out for her activities and talks. 

Dinner was in Freidheim as the menu in Aune was not to our liking. We enjoyed a great meal as well it is lighter. 

We did have waffles for desert. 

Our excursion tomorrow is a walking tour of Kirkwall. Our group will not leave until 1330. We will probably strike out on our own again, as it is a return visit. Will will visit the Cathedral and Museum and probably the RNLI station. (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) as they have fun items and a great cause to support. 

Weather tomorrow looks more typical with a 90% chance of rain.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Edinburgh a Day of Castles, Pipes, Wool

 6/29 Edinburgh:
Edinburgh a Day of Castles, Pipes, Wool 


Again I was up way way Too Too early. But it was worth it for the sunrise. From the Stern of the ship gannets were observed greeting us as we sailed in the Port of Leith. 

We first went to Deck 9 for early coffee and pastry. (Yes this will become a pattern of behavior) We learned breakfast was being served early so who are we to turn down an early breakfast. 

After breakfast we got ourselves ready to visit Edinburgh the capital of Scotland. There are just over 500,000 residents the same number as in the State of Wyoming. 

We were loaded onto busses and taken to the Edinburgh Castle. This is where our walking tour started.

Edinburgh Castle.


 Edinburgh Castle is a historic fortress built high up on a hill and dominates the city's skyline. Then there is the Royal Mile (actually a pinch over a mile) which leads to Holyroodhouse. 

Edinburgh is well known for its literary history, think Robert Burns and many more, like J K Rowling.

There is Arthur’s Seat, one of the ancient volcanic hills in the area. 

Edinburgh is also well known for its Whisky Heritage. The Scotch Whisky Experience is very educational and well worth ones time. 

There is the architecture of Edinburgh,  dominating the old city is medieval architecture, whilst the new city is Georgian and neo-classical.

Edinburgh is also known for its festivals. There is the Fringe Festival highlighting performance arts. I also know of a book festival held in the fall.

Being rather familiar with the old city area, we soon separated from the group walking tour to wander about on our own and visit places we have been to previously. 

As we walked along the Royal Mile, we stopped in a few tourist shops for fun. 


 One place we enjoyed on our previous visit is OINK. Here a roast pork sandwich is available. The pork is picked from a roasted whole hog. Then there are several toppings available. I chose haggis and applesauce, Lynn chose BBQ and a sage and onion, for our sandwiches. There are three OINK locations in Edinburgh and they are easy to find by looking for the pink storefront and the roast whole hog in the shop’s window. 


Soon it was time to get near our bus pick up point. We found the Castle Arms pub across the way and dropped in for a drink as we waited on the bus. 

We took the bus back to our ship at the Port of Leith.


 It is at this port where the Royal Yacht Britannia is docked and it is also worth a visit. 

Back on the ship we grabbed a small bowl of venison stew for lunch. 


Next was a lecture by the Expedition Team Historian Niek. The topic was The History of Knitting and it was an excellent presentation. It encouraged us to look at how wonderful wool is for clothing, and how knitting is so good for the mind and helping people stay connected to their roots. 


After the lecture it was time to sail away. What was fascinating to me the Port of Leith is entered through a lock. It was interesting too how the locks operated.

Another great dinner, a great soup, very good pork and a pudding for desert. 

In between the main course we had an announcement that puffins were being observed. Went and grabbed my big camera and went out to get some images. I am happy with a few of the images I got.

Next was a briefing on Fair Isle where we will be tomorrow if the weather allows. Should be lots of birds and maybe an Orca sighting. 

Later there was a talk on Birds and their names. 

The day is done and there are no prospect for a photogenic sun set. 


 6/28/2024 - A DAY AT SEA ON THE MS MAUD: 


I was up early to catch the sunrise. Currently our sea conditions are very calm and not a cloud in the sky. Putting the kettle on in the room for coffee to start the day.

One very nice feature onboard MS Maud is the bathrooms have heated floors. This not only feels very nice in the morning but also aids in the drying of ones laundry.

We  went to the Explorers Bar for more coffee and a pastry. These rations gave us enough energy to make it to real breakfast at Aune.  Here is a nice buffet of breakfast offerings. I started with porridge, followed by hash browns, a tomato and beans on toast. Lynn had a breakfast egg muffin and some fruit. 

Back to the room to gather our excursion life jackets for the zodiac briefing. This was mandatory and the procedure was well presented. 

We are starting to roll a bit more but nothing bad yet. 

Our stateroom host checked in on us to make sure we were settled in and comfy. One thing I very much like about Hurtigruten is you can opt to not have your room cleaned every day. In doing so, a donation is made to their environmental fund for each day one opts out. 

Now the fun begins as we will go a wildlife view session and an art project to decorate our water bottles.


Not really expecting much to be observed critter wise as we are a good bit off shore. The water bottle decoration will be fun, well I will make it that way. 

Each person on Hurtigruten receives a metal water bottle to use and keep. There are several stations about the ship where they can be filled. This is their way of reducing waste. We now have several of these and other such bottles from our trips. Stand By for film at 11 of our finished works of art. 



WIND is from the WNW at 40 knots, Temp is 14.6 C, our course is 322’ at 10.6 Knots, Sea depth is 30.6 m, Sea Temp 0C, location is 53.46’9 N and 0 .38’26 E. 

We got a bit crafty and decorated our water bottles as a craft thingie. We got to paint them with acrylic paint. We both did a rune and I did my interpretation of SOLFAR.

Lynn did some laps on Deck 6 and I had coffee in the Explorers lounge. We had a very nice chat with the future cruise representative . 

Then it was time for the Captains reception. The Senior Staff was introduced along with the Expedition Team. The depth and experience of this team is amazing. 


We then had a fantastic dinner in Aune. Back to the room for more laundry while awaiting the briefing for tomorrows day in Edinburgh. 

From our briefing we learned tomorrows weather could be quite nice. We will be doing a walking tour of the Royal Mile and will start at 0930. So we will have plenty of time in the morning to get ready. 

Edinburgh has so many bits of history and culture. From authors such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and JK Rowling. Scientist and inventors like Alexander G. Bell. Explorers  one would presume, such as Livingston, Greyfriers Bobby and Dolly the Sheep. 

Then we had a short talk about superstition of sailors. One new one to me was about breaking your eggshells into little bits. If you did not a witch may use the unbroken shell as a boat and come aboard your ship. This would not be a good thing. 

When we got back to the room the bow cam was showing the makings of a good sunset. Off I went to record the last moments of the day. 

Off to bed in hopes of a new day of learning and adventure.



Thursday, June 27, 2024

Folkestone on 6/26 and Boarding the MS Maud 6/27



Yes, we slept well last night and still up early a good bit before the sunrise. I enjoyed some coffee and short bread biscuits to the ha-ha-ha-ha and the yelping keow of the Herring gulls at the sunrise. 

The sunrise was unremarkable as there is a bank of clouds over the continent. The weather forecast is calling for a sunny day with temps in the 70’s. I will say the Celsius scale simply eludes me, yet even as much as I have ben exposed to it during our travels.

Lynn has found an instant coffee she likes and we will be returning to Poundland. 

We went to Xpresso Cafe Illys for breakfast. Lynn and eggs and I had a Bacon Butty along with very nice coffee. We just might return. 


Just as we were making our way to the trail leading up the White Cliffs we received a message from a friend. She suggested we meet her in Folkestone and we walkabout the harbor area as it should be cool. 

Off to catch the 102 Bus to Folkestone, no wait as our timing was spot on. (Not always the case for us)   
Folkestone always seems tiny and quaint, but it is not. This is probably due to the downtown area having winding streets with many tiny shops. This just lends its self to this feeling. There are a lot of art gallery/shops along the streets. Also a good bit of RAF history to be found in the area. A visit to Folkestone can be a rather enjoyable experience. 

We walked about the Harbor Arm and enjoyed the sun and cool breeze. It is always great to see friends and catch up. 

We then took the bus back to Dover and the day had warmed up. Had an uneventful lunch and went back to our room to cool off. 

We then took a stroll along the waterfront where many folks were enjoying the warm day at the waters shore. Our walkabout ended back at Blakes of Dover. Here we saw more friends and enjoyed great conversations and a pint or two. Many a good laugh was had. 

 Upstairs at Blakes

At Blakes we had the fish and chips. Their fish and chips are my standard for great fish and chips. 

Then back to the room and dealt with email account issues. 

Off to sleep till at about midnight when the fire alarm sounded. It sounded long enough for us to get up and dressed before it was canceled.



July 27, 2024



We are up an having coffee awaiting the arrival of our ship the MS Maud. The port schedule shows the Maud will be in port from 0900-1800. 

As today is forecast to be cooler, we will walk to the cruise terminal, just about a mile away. Good exercise in preparation for cruise ship feasting.

Huzzah, Huzzah we spy the MS Maud arriving!!

We went back to the Xpresso Illy for breakfast. The cafe was much more busy and we took our time and enjoyed a large breakfast. I had Beans and toast, bacon, and hash brown potatoes, all was excellent. Lynn had eggs and bacon and toast and a very good foo foo coffee.

We are ready to get this adventure started and as it is cool we will be walking to the cruise terminal. 

As I walked the cruise terminal, the history of Operation Dynamo comes to mind. Briefly Operation Dynamo was where the Little Ships sailed to Dunkirk to evacuate the troops back to Britain over the Channel.

Along the walkway is a Dunkirk Memorial which fired the thoughts. Next comes the Cruise Terminal car park. This building during the war was the rail terminal. It is from here the evacuated troops were transported away from the coast. This is very hallowed ground to me. 

Our walk to the terminal took us about 40 min, 6000 ish steps, 4 flights of stairs, my PO2 has been 100% and my max pulse was 105. Yes, I did start to sweat a bit. 

We have arrived very early and are sitting in the terminal awaiting to check in and board. 


I think Dover is overlooked as most folks simply pass through. Here there is such great history to be explored. The Romans landed here and their sights can be explored. Then WWII history is amazing, one must experience the Secret Tunnels which were dug into the cliffs. Here many a military operation was directed. Many of the pilots who had to ditch their aircraft in the Channel during the Battle of Britain owed their lives to the hospital in the cliffs.

Arriving at the cruise terminal early we were allowed to sit in the waiting room. Eventually our checked bags were collected and we were directed to security and another waiting room. 

In an hour or so we were checked in and boarded the ship. 

It was very nice to be back on Maud and in Stateroom 736. We have stayed in this room before and it is larger than the standard superior rooms. As you can see in the photos we have a nice seating area.


With Hurtigruten Expedition sailings one gets a parka as part of your cruise fare. As we already have said parka, we received a 30 Euro credit and a donation was made to an environment fund in our names. 

We took some time to reacquaint ourselves to the ship. One of the bartenders remember me. I was a little surprised, but not really. 

Back in the room, Lynn tackled the unpacking before the mandatory safety drill. Now we know how to don our life jackets and exposure suits. 

Next up was sail away with comp cocktails. Not sure if I would have chose a Dark and Stormy for the occasion but they were good. 

Then one of the naturalists gave a brief talk on how the white cliffs were formed. 


Next was a nice history lecture about the Dover area from the Romans to WWI. 

Next we went to Fredeim restaurant for dinner. This is a casual dining option where the portions are perfect. Lynn had tortillas and I had dumplings. Here you can get burgers, fish, hotdogs (yes they have a lamb one I will have to try.  The menu rotates every three days so we will be keep an eye out for the change. 


Back to our room to catch up on the blog and journals. We will watch an intro to our cruise in the room. 

Tomorrow is a day at sea and I am sure there will be some interesting lectures to attend.