Friday, February 17, 2017

Cruising the Nile to Edfu

Day 6 

Edfu and Kom Ombo

Edfu is located almost exactly halfway between Luxor and Aswan. Here we docked and boarded carriages to whisk us away to the Temple site. The carriage is not a slow saunter but rather a fast trot through the bustling streets filled with the morning activities of the village. 

The Temple of Horus is the best preserved site in all of Egypt. A sacred location where Horus fought he uncle Set who had murdered his father Osirus. Here the reliefs are amazing. I find the size of these sites to be rather large and this simply adds to the wonderment. 

We locate our carriage #394 for the return race to the ship. 

Onboard there is a return cruiser reception. 

Lunch was followed by a nap on the sundeck as we cruise up the Nile. 

Our afternoon lecture was about modern Egypt’s history. During this time we learned addition information about how life is and the recent changes. 

Shortly after the sun set we docked at Kom Ombo. Here the site is a short walk from the docking area. This temple is known as The House of the Crocodile (Sobek) and the Castle of the Falcon (Horus). 

Here we see reliefs of the Egyptian calendar and medical reliefs showing the various surgical instruments. Here one also finds the “nileometer”  which is a well used to measure the level of the Nile. The higher the water the better crops should be and the taxes would be adjusted appropriately. 

As one leaves the site there, is a museum dedicated the the crocodile, which is well done. 

Several times on this trip we have to run the gauntlet of street merchants trying to sell you any type of souvenir one could ever want. The vendors are affectionately called “ my cousins “ by our guide.   The rules of conduct are simple. Do not make eye contact, Do not take anything they are offering into your hand for if you do you bought it, Do not engage them in conversation, just put on your 1000 yard stare and walk with purpose. Never open your wallet in their presence, do not enter a shop as you will be buying something to get out and this can be dangerous in some cases. While this is sad, and I felt bad not being cordial, but it is what one must do.  Yes, they are very very persistent. 

Back onboard we had an Egyptian  Buffet which was great. I must add the meals we have had have all been excellent and the service top notch.   

Sunrise on The Nile 

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