Monday, February 20, 2017


Day 11 Back to Cairo

After breakfast we boarded a motorboat which took us to the Temple of Kalabsha. This temple had been moved 31 miles to it’s present location. Originally built in 30 BC during the reign of August’s as a tribute to Manudlis, the lower Nubian Sun God. Later, as Christianity made it’s way to the area the temple became a church. 

Also located on this island is the relocated Temple of Beit al-Wali built during the reign of Ramses II. Here the reliefs depict Ramses’ victories against the Nubians.  

I must say the food on the ship has been rather good and the service has been most attentive and excellent. The Omar El Kahyam is spacious and well appointed, I can say we did not experience any problems.  

We then boarded the bus to the Aswan airport and got checked in and through two levels of security. Went to gate only to learn our flight was delayed due to military aircraft in the area. 

Eventually arrived at our hotel near the airport, changed quickly and then had our final group dinner. Off to bed as we had a 0445 wake up. 

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