Friday, February 17, 2017


Day 8 Abu Simbel  

We were up early for breakfast and bags were placed outside the door and soon we were on a bus to the airport. We fly to Abu Simbel on Egypt Air regional service and the flight is only 35 minutes. Arriving, we collect our bags for transport to the ship and soon we are on our way to the Abu Simbel site. 

During the 13 Century BC the Temple at Abu Simbel was hewn out of rock next to the Nile River. This Temple was built by Ramses II or Ramses The Great. Erected as a monument to himself, I feel Ramses was also sending a message of the strength of Ramses II to any invading army coming to Egypt from the South. The massive 4 statues which adorn the massive entrance and the reliefs inside which tell of his victory at Kadesh extenuate his power.  Inside there are magnificent reliefs showing the Battle of Kadesh and how Ramses II ascended to the status of a God.

Local legend is the name Abu Simbel comes from an young local boy who led the early discovers to the temple, so, in gratitude, the site was named after the boy. In the 1960’s the creation of Lake Nasser would have submerged this site and many others. So as to preserve and protect this site from the rising water, it was moved higher up on the bank.  One of the four statutes on the facade was not damaged as a result of the move but was damaged many many years before as the result of an earthquake.  When the Temple was moved, it was decided to leave the damaged head as it was when found and not repair the statute. 

Next to this temple is The Temple of Hathor which was built to honor his favorite wife Nefertari. 

This is a site I really wanted to visit and was in awe at this temple complex. I would have to say Ramses II is my favorite king of Egypt.  

We are then transported back to our new home for the next three nights the MS Omar el Khayam, a bigger ship and the staterooms are large. We have lunch and unpack and settle in and have a walkabout,  exploring the ship. 

Some of us gather at 1745 to attend an evening light show at the Temple. I very much enjoyed this presentation, it did a very good job in highlighting the life of Ramses II and his adoration of his favorite wife, Nefertari.  

Back to the ship for dinner and then off to bed as we are told early in the morning we will sail past the temple and this will make a good photo opportunity.   

My first view of Abu Simbel!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the night shots especially! You are bringing back such wonderful memories of our 25th anniversary trip to Egypt!
