Wednesday, July 3, 2024



                                 The flag of the Shetlands

We had a good nights sleep and were up in time for early coffee followed by breakfast. 

As our animal group the past couple days has been one of the later groups off we were the second group off today. 

Our ship, the MS Maud, is anchored in Burrafirth on the Isle of Unst. Sea Birds glide through the air and the green hills have fluffy sheep grazing. 


After making it to shore and eager to visit a Viking long house and replica ship, we fell into a bus ride. 



The Viking long house was great to visit as it gave us a good feel for the early inhabitants. The Longship Skidbladnir also puts into perspective the sea worthiness of the long ships. It also fires ones imagination as to what the long explorations must have been like. Niek (our historian) was present to enhance the experience. 

We then walked to the Unst Heritage Center, a great display of early life on Unst and it’s history. 

Knowing it would be a bit of a hike, we started back to the landing site, playing tourist and taking a good number of photos along the way. 

The road we walked along was one lane wide, so as vehicles approached we would stop and get as far off the roadway as possible. 

Here they call cattle guards, cattle grids. 


This was a 5K walk with a constant mist fall and the temp in the lower 50'sF 

We found ourselves making stops for photos of the sheep and road signs. 

Back on the ship we grabbed a salad for lunch. I am publishing the Blog early today as when we weigh anchor, we head further north to the Faroe Islands. We will be going into open water and I fear the Internet might not be as reliable. 

 Here is to smooth sailing we hope.

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