Monday, July 8, 2024



                           I KNOW WHERE WE ARE!!!!
                                  Yes looks a bit familiar
The Harpa, on the next trip we will be seeing the show "How to be Icelandic in 60 Minutes" We have seen it before and will do it again, informative and funny.

 Yes you Disney Cruise Fans there are decorated doors. They are crew doors.


After breakfast we did the final bit of packing and went to the Explorer Lounge to wait for our group to be called. 

Things were running slow so we had a bit of a longer wait. 


Finally off the ship and immigration was set up in a van just outside the ship. Here we presented our passports. The lady that took my passport flipped through the pages finally coming to a blank page and stamped. She said you must like it here.

We then walked to our hotel the Center Hotels Plaza. As expected, our room was not ready and we stowed our luggage. Off for a swim. 


                                  Our 10 trip Bus Pass
New technology at some of the bus stops. #14 takes us to the pool.
These are kewl tops on bottles here in Europe. Keeps onefrom loosing the top and maintains it for recycling. Well  Done.
                            OK YOU CAN NOW WALK!!!
              Oh I wonder what this establishment is like :)
             We have been walking by this sign for a few years and will see what we think tonight.

On the way to the bus stop we stopped at the 10-11 store and got an additional bus pass. Basically just to have for the next trip. We get a senior 10 trip pass. 

Then Lynn saw some nice key chains to use for our travel ornament for this trip. 

Then to the bus stop, we had a little wait for the #14 bus and were soon on our way to the pool.



At the pool we get a senior pass. (FREE) The young lady who checked us in maybe recognized us and said you know what you are doing and skipped the first time lecture on how to wash etc.

For those who don’t know to enter the pools in Iceland, one must take a nice shower. There are posters showing you where to wash. Yes there is a monitor there making sure all comply. 

We enjoyed some nice time at the pool. Our favorite pool has a 40C salt water tub. I also took a steam bath. After soaking a bit and getting wrinkled fingers, we headed to the hot dog stand. 

  To get into the pool you get a magic band that opens the gate as well as locks your locker.

                       Looks like it is the 40th Anniversary!!!

                                      Our Meal Deal
                   The Pool and Pylsuvagninn Lauguardal

For 1950 ISK we get two hot dogs a drink and a Prince Polo candy bar. 

Yes I was very very happy to have one of the best and most famous hot dogs in the world. 

Then we caught the bus back to the old town area and wandered the streets looking for an item for our camper SOLFAR. 

We have checked into the hotel and got to our room where we have done minimal unpacking as we are here only two nights. 

There is a pizza place we keep passing that still is inviting people in to try the worst pizza this one guy reported on trip advisor. 


After settling into our room we went for a walkabout. Our first stop was at an Elf Stone where some Huldufólk (little people) live. We like to stop by and tell them hello and how much we enjoy their land.




From there we walked by the City Government House/City Hall and to the lake. 

Our afternoon quest was for a special key chain for SOLFAR (our camper). We found our way to the main shopping street and went into a few shops to no avail. 


Then we needed to go to the Bonus store and found a nearby Ice Mart, basically a souvenir shop. These shops are everywhere, but this one had a key chain for SOLFAR which is perfect. 

Then to the Bonus store for some more items to take home. 

Tomorrow I have an appointment for some new ink and we timed the walk at about 15 min so will give myself 25 min.

We stopped in the Drunk Rabbit for a couple drinks before getting dinner next door. 



Bistro 101 is the location with the sign mentioning the one guy who reviewed the pizza as the worst he ever had. I am here to tell you the pizzas are wood fired and very very very good.


Now back at the room calling it a day, ready to crash. 

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