Tuesday, July 2, 2024

LERWICK: 7/2/24 A most enjoyable sea side village

 LERWICK: 7/2/24

It is said that there are more fish coming ashore here in Lerwick than people. 

Today appears to be a mostly cloudy day with maybe some rain and maybe some sun. 

After breakfast we headed out to stroll about the waterfront. We are drawn in by the quaint buildings and alleyways and gardens. 


We have been told there was a BBC  detective series called SHETLAND which was filmed and based here. After this visit we will be trying to find it.

We strolled by Baines Beach and Lodberrie. These are historical areas used in the filming of Shetland.

Strolling about we visited some of the shops. 

In Jamieson’s Naturally Shetland we found some very nice Shetland wool sweaters.

We had hoped the RNLI shop would be open but alas only on weekends. 

Then we spied a friendly little fudge/coffee shop. Given Lynn’s predisposition for fudge we stopped in. Even I had to get a fudge named Drunken Viking, a whiskey raisin fudge. It is rather good.

Strolling along we came to Harry’s Department store, one of those shops that has everything and if they don’t have it you don’t need it. I found a unique jar bottle opener to add to my collection of kitchen gadgets. 

Then to outdoor marine shop for some fishing lures to try in Wyoming and a unique spork called a SNORKY. 

Back to the ship to drop our plunder and have a quick lunch before our walking tour. 

Our walking tour was most enjoyable. We learned a good bit about the history and local life. Lerwick is such a laid back community that just has a rather nice vibe. Quite hard to explain, but very pleasant. Lerwick is rather dog friendly as many of the shops have water out for the pups and many pups were encountered as we walked about. 

Many folks on our tour were rather familiar with the BBC series Shetland. Our guide, Lyall, a carpenter by trade has done a good bit of work for the series. 

After the tour we stopped in a pub called The Lounge and shared a table with some local Scots and a couple from Ireland. Just a good time chatting and sharing about from where we come from. 

We found a mini mart on the way back to the ship and bought some discounted chocolate.

With our bit of down time we are catching up on the blog and journal.

Tonights lecture was title was Vikings 101. I must say Niek is one of the best interpreters I have ever experienced. His presentation of most enjoyable and filled with much knowledge. He presented a great history of the Viking Period. He talked of their explorations, discoveries, life styles and much more. He made a remark that resonated with me, to paraphrase, History is where we were and how it has shaped who we are today and will be later as time marches on.

Dinner and we will catch the briefing for tomorrow in our room as we soon start to sail north to Unst, the northern most Shetland Island. 


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