Friday, July 5, 2019

The Journey To Mt. Evans / Search for Mt Goats

Mt Evans 2019 

This is our third trip here to Echo Lake Campground at the the base of Mt Evans about 13-14 miles from Idaho Springs, Colorado. The campground is at an elevation of 10,600 feet and from this location one can drive the Highest Roadway in the United States to the summit of Mt. Evans located at 14,130 feet above sea level.   At the summit, during late June and the first part of July, the Mountain Goats stop by the summit to lick the mineral deposits. What makes this a joy is watching the little Mountain Goat Kids romping about getting the feel of the rocks under their hoofs. 

Mountain goats are not true goats—but they are close relatives. They are more properly known as goat-antelopes. These surefooted beasts inhabit many of North America's most spectacular alpine environments. They often appear at precipitous heights, from Alaska to the U.S. Rocky Mountains, showcasing climbing abilities that leave other animals, including most humans, far below. Mountain goats have cloven hooves with two toes that spread wide to improve balance. Rough pads on the bottom of each toe provide the grip of a natural climbing shoe. Mountain goats have distinctive beards and long, warm coats to protect them from cold temperatures and biting mountain winds. Their dazzling white coats provide good camouflage on the snowy heights. During the more moderate summer season goats shed this coat. Mountain Goats are believed to have evolved from  ancestors who lived in the Himalayas and their recent ancestors crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to North America. 

This year has been a rather heavy snow year and the summit road did not open till June 7th, so we will see what we will see. Yes there was a bit more snow, but not enough to hinder Mountain Goat viewing. 

The road to the summit is the highest roadway in North America and there is located in a USFS fee area. Various government access passes are accepted. The road starts out well surfaced and this changes as you gain elevation. There are numerous potholes and rough sections, which is probably good as they slow people down. 

Traveling this road is like going through several eco zones, basically like driving from southern Canada to Nome, Alaska. Thus for each 1,000 feet in elevation gain is like traveling 600 miles north. 

6/30 - Day 1- to Echo Lake Campground. 

We left the house at about 0930 and got to the campground at 1230. We stopped for petrol so we will be almost topped off given we will make several trips to the Summit of Mt. Evans. Traffic through Denver was not bad for Denver. 

We are camped at Echo Lake Campground and as the sites are small we reserved two sites next to each other. This gives us a good place to park the truck. We backed right into a site and had to play a bit to get level. A thunderstorm was threatening so Lynn took The Boys for a walk as I got camper setup completed. There was a nice little downpour, and when the rain broke we got The Boys for another short walk as more rain was on the horizon. 

Our elevation at this campground is at 10,600’, so the weather is nice and cool. One down side to the elevation is a propane refrigerator can have issues. 

The skies soon became a solid light grey overcast and we experienced rain off and on. We did get The Boys some laps around the campground during the lulls in the weather. Koda was happy to meet and great everyone with great enthusiasm, kind of like he was telling everyone tomorrow will be my birthday just to make sure they knew he was special.

Soon The Boys will be howling for their dinner and we will warm up some COWBOY CHUCK WAGON DUTCH OVEN SUPREME CASSEROLE for our evening meal. Then early to bed as tomorrow and all mornings here after will be early as we go for the summit to find the Mt Goat Kids. 

More, lots more photos can be found by following the link below:

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