Friday, July 5, 2019


Day 5 July 4th, 2019

We had decided to simply sleep in this morn and the summit crowds will be crazy. We noticed yesterday several temporary “No Parking” signs had been placed along the road at the summit. 

Yes we slept in till 0600. This morn we made biscuits, gravy, and hash browns for breakfast.  After we got cleaned up, cooking gear stowed, and the refrigerator started, it was time for a hike. 

We hiked a couple miles along Echo Lake where The Boys finally calmed down after meeting other dogs and lots of people. Koda is still getting the “Look How Big His Paws Are” comment.  Back at the campsite it is time to hydrate. 

Lunch was grilled ham and cheese with tomatoes. A relaxing afternoon reading National Geographic, napping and Lynn did some Route 66 trip research. Yes, we did a few pup walks. 

Dinner time came and burgers were made and a campfire was started. Smores were dessert and I used my fishing pole flipping stick roaster for toasting the marshmallows. I called them trout mellows as it is kinda like fishing.  

Yes, we practiced safe campfire use and stirred the campfire coals, doused and then stirred again, and doused more making sure our fire was dead out - Because Only You Can Prevent Wildfires - Smokey would be proud. 

We cleaned up the campsite and got some items packed up and ready for our departure tomorrow morning. 

Soon darkness fell and we called it a night.  

Koda’s girlfriend - Koda met a year old Shiba Inu named Lychee.  The two really hit it off, he howls each time he sees her, when they are together, they play, and play, and play. He was very sad to have to say good-bye to her the morning we left.

More Mt Goat Photos at - 2019 Soggy Moose Mt Goat Photos


  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..............Koda and his GF are ADORABLE!!!

  2. they were rather funny , what can you say Puppy Love
