Sunday, March 31, 2019

Lazy Day but Cold and an Amazing Symphony


Concert day 

We had a lazy morn taking our time with breakfast, after which we headed out timing our route to the train station for tomorrow morning. 

We next boarded the El for simply a ride. First train took us to Midway Airport and back. We got off near the Sears Tower, I know it is now called the Willis Tower, and thought about going to the sky deck. A 2 hour wait changed our mind. 

We then walked about looking for some iconic Chicago sculptures and buildings. 

Lynn thought it was rather chilly (34 degrees, wind chill of 31 degrees) so we stopped for a Stan’s Donut and went to our room to warm up. 

We then took a bus to the Auditorium Theater for the Symphony for Our World. This five-part composition, by taking the audience to depths of the sea, up to coastlines, over mountains, and soaring into the sky. Each movement results in a powerful musical tribute to the beauty and wonders of our wild world.  There is also a section where Joel Sartore introduces viewers to The Photo Ark. 

What a moving amazing wonderful work of art. I can not say enough complimentary things about this event. It was an excellent conclusion to our trip. 

Here is a link 

We purchased the DVD so if you are ever at our place, just ask and I will put it on for you. 

After the Symphony I thought it would be nice to have a German meal at the Berghoff, sadly it was closed. Then Lynn said I could eat anyplace of my choosing, so I thought another Italian beef. Al’s Beef was also closed. So back tp the hotel for dinner in the lounge. 

It was a great trip with lots of memories, great Chicago Food, and museums. 

Thanks for reading along and sharing with your family and friends. Get out there and enjoy this wonderful world.  

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