Friday, January 25, 2019

Beijing to Ho Chi Minh City

Beijing to Ho Chi Mein City

We had ourselves organized nice and early and decided to just get a taxi cab to the airport. This was arranged via the front desk and a cab arrived in rather short order. The ride to the airport took about 50 minutes and traffic was light.  The cab fair was 170 Yuan. 

At the airport we made our way to the check in counter and had a few minutes to wait. Soon our bags were checked and we started the gauntlet of Customs and Security. In China you have to have your laptop out as well as cameras for inspection. 

Here in Beijing we have access to the Air China Lounge and find it a nice quiet place to get out of the rush. Our flight has been delayed one hour and we will have plenty of time to make the connection. 

Our flight to Hong Kong is uneventful except for arriving late due to air traffic delays. Up on arrival we find our way to a transfer point and go through a security check. Then it is off to the next gate for the final leg to Ho Chi Minh City. Again our flight is delayed and the boarding goes smoothly and the flight is only about 3 hours, yet again we are running a bit behind. 

 Our Adventures by Disney (ABD) tour starts tomorrow and we are arriving a day early. Day one of the ABD is totally on your own as I suspect because it is an arrival day for most folks. When we have traveled with ABD in the past we usually arrive a day early to get adjusted. ABD usually charges one a good bit more for a pre trip arrival room. This time the cost of the lodging was inline with what one can book the same room online. I was surprised of this when we booked this trip. 

We made it to Ho Chi Minh City and were met by a gentleman who is contracted by ABD to transport us to our hotel. These guys did a good job getting us through Passport Control and Customs. They also arrange transport for other groups and after a bit of discussion we figured out we needed to go to the Park Hyatt Saigon. Check in was easy and soon we were off to our room. We dropped our bags and went in search of an ATM. No ATM here in the hotel but one next door at a coffee shop.  I noticed a local mini mart and we went there and got a couple pork steam buns and a couple sodas. Cost was 44,000 Dong or $1.90.

Here are some pictures of our room, which is rather nice. 

Will see what tomorrow brings. 

And Yes it is HOT!!!! here.   

1 comment:

  1. wow.....from COLD to HOT in a day!!!! (NICE job on getting room pics beFORE y'all messed it up LOL
