Friday, February 21, 2025

Sailing to Tiritiri Matangi:

 Sailing to Tiritiri Matangi:

We were up early, grabbed a fast breakfast.


Then made our way to the Wynyard Docks to catch a ferry to take us to Tiritiri Matangi. 

One must clean their shoes before boarding as Tiritiri Matangi is a very special island. The ferry is well equipped and there is a food service available. The voyage takes about 90 minutes. 

Tiritiri Matangi is renowned as one of the best places in New Zealand to spot rare and endangered native species.

We might get our first kiwi sighting. The last 5 year survey took place in 2022 and estimated the kiwi population on Tiritiri Matangi to be around 80 birds.

Tiritiri Matangi’s name is Māori for "tossed by the wind", and is often popularly shortened to Tiritiri. Māori mythology considers the island to be a float of an ancestral fishing net.

It is named after a Kawerau pa (earthwork fortification) on the island. The Kawerau people occupied the island from very early times to the 1820s, and again briefly in the 1830s-50s.

Tiritiri Matangi was designated as a lighthouse reserve and Crown land as early as 1841, although a Native Land Court claim in 1867 requested it be returned to Maori. In 1864, a lighthouse was built, after being brought out from England as a kitset. Think Ikea. 

Takahe, a swamp hen, might be found on this island. They are usually found on the south island. There are currently four takahē on Tiritiri Matangi and around 500 nationwide. We will see what we will see. 

We took the Wattle trail to the light house. We really took our time as one hears many different birds but the brush and thick canopy make spotting difficult. It was really an enjoyable hike to the lighthouse.

                           Feeding station help one find birds

We had our lunch and took a different route back to the ferry dock.

This was a most enjoyable time trying to spot birds. The temperature was mild and comfortable.

If you enjoy birding this is the place to visit. I will have to download my photos and then identify the birds we saw at a later time. 

For dinner, we again went to Good George and had their signature burger. This meal did not disappoint. We are enjoying getting to know some of the staff as the come and greet us. 


Tomorrow we have a date with a Hobbit and must be up early.  



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