Monday, February 4, 2019

Leaving Laos and off to Cambodia

Luang Prabang to Siem Reap Cambodia. 2/4

This morning was a very relaxing morning. We did not have to have anything together until 10:00. Then there was the Water Buffalo tied up outside our room with it’s bell. We had already been up and had breakfast when we heard a bell ringing, it sounded like an alarm. Looked out the window and there was a Water Buffalo doing the morning trimming of the landscape. 

A local guide named Kim and I got into conversation about the wood of the area and learned he is a woodworker. We soon had a trade going for some rosewood for a pen I had made and brought with me. 

We the loaded a bus and went to the Laos National Museum, where no photos were allowed. The Throne room was really interesting as the walls were all mosaics of glass and mirrors. 

From there we visited a school for disabled children. This was really neat as their disability was they were deaf. These are students from all over Laos and it is a residential school. Here the students learn to sign as well as a skill. The skills are geared to working in an hotel or in an agriculture field. The students raise much of their own food and care for cattle and pigs. 

The kids were as interested in us as we were interested in them. 

There was a dash to the airport where the plane was being held for us. We were whisked through security and boarded for the 2 hour flight to Siem Reap. 

The temp in Siem Reap was 34C when we arrived. We boarded a bus which took us to the moat surrounding Angkor Wat. Here we boarded gondolas and sailed about as we enjoyed refreshments. 

A Heron of some sorts, need to ID

The Gondoliers  were great and treated us to rhythm filled songs. Soon we were all having a great time. We later learned the Gondoliers could not remember having such a fun loving group. 

We then made our way to the Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Resort. This evening we are starting our repacking for our return home. 

Tomorrow we explore a few of the Temples of Angkor Wat. 

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